Only Up 2

Everyone has heard this phrase – the sky is the limit. In Only Up, even the sky isn’t! Because your goal is to reach higher than the sun, clouds and stars, to keep moving up and only up until the earth below turns into a greenish blur and even birds and planes are nowhere to be seen – just pure, serene celestial bliss… Sounds like something you would like to partake in? Then let’s embark on this fantastic sky journey together!

What’s there, in the sky?

You’ll be playing as little Jack, a charming and adventurous kid who just can’t get down to earth, both figuratively and literally. He dreams of leaving the solid land and touch the sky. And so one day he puts on his favorite sneakers, says goodbye to his home and takes his first step towards the unknown and wondrous!

As you move through the game, you’ll marvel at some of the most picturesque and vibrant locations you can only imagine. You’ll have to make it out of your hometown, using ropes, and bridges, and funiculars, seeing the streets and roads, quiet green neighborhoods and bustling downtown districts, monstrous manufacturing areas and sleepy shipyards unfolding below as if you were looking at a colorful 3D map in real time.

Travel to the top of the world and discover all the sky wonders!

Watch fluffy summer clouds and storm winter clouds sail gracefully through the blue chasm. Admire colorful balloons and majestic zeppelins. Say hi to birds that fly so close that you can shake their wings or feed them a cookie from your backpack. And come up with more and more resourceful ways to continue your journey, because there isn’t much to hold onto at a height like that!

To make it to another sky level successfully, you’ll have to demonstrate some outstanding reflexes and think on the go (or rather, on the fly). More often than not it’s a split-second decision to either stay put or leap into the abyss, to grab that rope hanging from a balloon passing by or wait for that funicular cabin (the cloud under your feet might vaporize faster, though). In Only Up 2, there’s not a second to waste. And still every minute feels like hours! Plunge into this marvelous sky world and enjoy every step of your journey with our little adventurer Jack by your side!

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