My Friendly Neighborhood

The Friendly neighborhood show was produced for quite a long time and gained considerable popularity, but over time, its ratings began to fall, which led to the closure of the program. As a result, the studio that produced the show went bankrupt and closed. At the same time, the love of truly dedicated fans has not gone away and many of them were waiting for their return. Unexpectedly for everyone, it happened, and after almost a decade, the favorite program is back. But the return happened immediately on all screens and in all programs, and also your favorite characters behave differently than before. Instead of funny jokes and funny adventures, the dolls began to eat each other.

What is the game?

You play as mechanic Gordon, who is sent by the administration to solve a problem. They believe that the problem lies in a broken antenna, but in fact it is not. You go to a doll town that is unfriendly to uninvited guests. You have to go through a large number of obstacles in the form of puzzles, and you also need to avoid collision with dolls, which now have not funny, but more terrible appearance. Many of the tasks can be disastrous for the hero.

In the game, you need to get to the truth by completing all the tasks and solve the mystery, on the basis of which the sinister return of everyone’s favorite TV show happened. Horror elements are harmoniously woven here, combined with adventure and investigation.

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